Super Fight!
posted June 2nd, 2010What an awesome Summer it's been already! We had a great radio interview, and a great show at The Riptide, and while one might think that would be enough for any band, one would be wrong! We're always striving for excess whether it be too much fun at shows, too much air in our tires, or too much ketchup on our fries. We just want to have super party fun times.
Our upcoming show is a corker. We met Emily Zisman and Ryan Avery a few months ago at the Doctors without Borders benefit show, and we were blown away, frankly. And through the power of the internet and social networking we connected with The Hollyfelds, who are from Denver, and managed to schedule a show that matched up with their tour through California. Not too shabby!
We're as excited as little kids, hence the flier for the show:

Watch out for the octopus!
PCE On the Airwaves and At The Riptide
posted May 19th, 2010Tune your computer to FCC Free Radio on May 27th to hear our super cool radio persona on The Bottleneck Cafe', hosted by Mike Bond. We had a great time the last time we talked to him and see no damn reason this time should be any different.
Our upcoming show is a doozy! Saturday night at The Riptide is always a good time no matter what, but add a bunch of Porkchops and special guest star Wade Larsen on the piano and you know something special is going to happen. See you there on Saturday, May 29th!

Benefit Show Success!
posted April 3rd, 2010Here's a picture of us at the "Helping the Healers" benefit show, you all helped raise $900 to be donated to Doctors without Borders. Thanks so much to you all for your generous support, and thanks to Mike Bond of Bigelowe's Treehouse for organizing the event.
That tall drink of water playing fiddle is Ryan Avery...don't worry, we haven't replaced Sarah, she was just sick that night and Ryan was playing in the first act so we got to talking to him and he quickly volunteered to stand in on a few songs. It was most excellent.
Tonight we venture out to Crockett, CA to rock some faces at Toot's Tavern. Hope to see some folks there!
posted March 16rd, 2010Declan Asher Conoley, born Feb. 7th, 2010. 7 pounds, 5 ounces and measuring around 3/4 the length of a concert sized ukulele.

Coming Up
posted February 23rd, 2010We have a show coming up in March that you should all come to. It's a benefit to raise money for Doctors without Borders to help in their relief efforts in Haiti. It's not much in the news anymore, what with the Olympics and Tiger Woods, but it still sucks there. So come help out.
Open letter to the Dept. of Hamland security
posted January 29th, 2010Madam,
You know the biggest thrill of Google street view? Aside from the lingering feeling of violation, that is? It's seeing folks on the street going about their day-to-day when the strange Google-mobile with a porcupine camera protuberance on top drives by and takes pictures of them from all angles. These pictures are meant to capture the streets as they actually exist because aerial maps are helpful only to a point because we don't see the world like a bird. Well, what if the Google street view pictures captured the streets as they SHOULD be? Eh? Do you see where I’m going with this?
We, at Porkchop Express HQ, propose this: every time the good citizenry of our country are out and about, and the Google picture-mobile drives by, they are to strike a karate pose and face off with one another. Many poses would be acceptable for this: the crane, the money, tiger, angry panda, upset terrier, or drunken Philly southpaw. The people on the streets are to strike their most fearsome pose and appear ready for action!
This way, when potential terrorists are targeting a building or a location to attack, and they do their reconnaissance with Google street view, they will see that the streets are crawling with super-tough karate fighters and they'll be like, "Uh uh, no way I'm going anywhere near that dojo-of-flying-fists-to-my-face." And the attack is diverted.
Plus it would be hilarious. You're most welcome.
Porkchop Express
Musicians first. Patriots always. Thinkers often enough.
Early Christmas Present
posted December 24th, 2009Santa dropped off another nice album review for Fault Lines and Good Times! And just a reminder, it's too late for an xmas CD but you can still buy the mp3s for a loved one on iTunes or Amazon...though we have no idea how one actually gifts mp3s, or if you can wrap up mp3s in brightly colored paper, or if they fit under the tree or what.
Your Daily Lick: Porkchop Express in the East Bay Express. Yay!
Happy Holidays!
posted December 22nd, 2009We hope everyone had a happy Hanukkah and will have a merry Christmas this year as well. It's been a wonderful year for Porkchop Express and there's no reason to think next year won't be better. Thanks to all the venues, bands, friends and fans...have a great new year!
Also, if you're free tonight go out to the Bottom of the Hill club and see Kevin stand in on bass for The Devil's Own...he's been practicing hard so come out and throw stuff at him to test his concentration. They go on right at 9pm and it's $8 at the door.
Spike the tree and trim the egg nog
posted December 2nd, 2009Between the usual end of year type musings like figuring out how to give yourself a present and still be surprised, or wondering what's really in egg nog, and if there are other breakfast foods turned into nogs out there (pancake nog? Bacon nog should be explored), you're probably also wondering where the last Porkchop Express show of the year will be. Well wonder no more!
Though you may have grown somewhat tired of our near constant proclamations of "last show before this" and "last show before that" please understand that our marketing strategy is fairly one-note so you'll just have to bear with it. Regardless, our last show of the year (barring any last minute additions which we fully retain the right to add as we see fit) is going to be December 17th at the Blue Macaw. You may remember this venue as the old 12 Galaxies, a fairly nifty joint that had a good number of nifty shows. Well we haven't been there since it switched from astronomical to ornithological but I must say we're looking forward to it.
There will be three bands, we go on second, and the headliner will be hosting a sort of live karaoke where they'll play the backing band to you, the audience member, as you screech out your favorite hits of yesterday from a short and sweet menu of tasties. Hope to see you there!
Pictures from Bender's
posted November 12th, 2009Pictures are up from the show at Bender's...thanks to everyone for coming out! It was a great time, as always!
See the pictures
Bender's with Bender
posted October 24th, 2009Last week's Hotel Utah blow out was incredible! Lots of birthday cheer and just good, good music top to bottom. Big thanks to Piss Pissedoffersen for letting us tag along on the bill and it was great meeting Hang Jones as well.
If you've been to any of our shows the last month or two you've noticed that our line-up has been a little different. Our beloved drummer and singer, Kitt, has been on vacation in Europe the last two months. While he's been jetting around Holland, Spain and god knows where we've had ace stick banger John Lee stand in for him. John was a champ and put up with our shenanigans time and time again...also adding extra drama to our last show because his wife was due to give birth at any time! Well needless to say she held out and we just got word today that they delivered a wonderful baby boy last night...such happy times. Good luck to the new parents!
Such is the ebb and flow and perfect timing of life sometimes, because Kitt is due back from Europe just in time for our next show on Nov. 7th at Bender's Bar! We'll be opening for the always, always excellent Four Year Bender and it'll be our first gig at this fine venue since it re-opened from the fire they suffered a few years back.
Come on out and hang with us as we tip back a beer and shake our heads at how great things are sometimes.
In the News
posted October 10th, 2009We got our first (and possibly only) album review from this morning, and while there are some baseless accusations such as being under-rehearsed (we rehearse all the time, but are often drunk during them as well) and having poor Spanish speaking skills (we're muy pronto) the review is really nice to read:
Fault Lines and Good Times review
Plough Down
posted October 3nd, 2009We had a great time at The Starry Plough....both Kevin and John took the Plough-burger challenge and emerged victorious and twice as manly as before they started. Collin ran into a high school classmate from his halcyon years in Nebraska. Lori Loo made the long trek out from the city. We did a great duet with opener Patrick was altogether a magical and fun filled night. Thanks to Bigelow's Treehouse for inviting us along for the gig.
NEXT! Hotel Utah on 10/16 for birthday parties galore!
posted August 24h, 2009We just stumbled upon a bunch of videos taken at our Riptide gig back in July. They sound great so we'll embed them on our video page. Here's a nice one of Banjolero:
CD Release Show
posted August 18th, 2009
Oh boy oh boy! Our show this Thursday at Beale Street Bar is upon us. This show represents two things: probably our last show ever at Beale Street before it closes it's doors later this year; and the release of our new album "Fault Lines and Good Times". The CDs look and sound great and we can't wait to show them to you.
The show will be great, we'll have special guests, free snacks and good cheer a'plenty! See you there!
New Release Available August 20th!!! Fault Lines and Good Times
posted July 30th, 2009
We're happy to announce the title of our new album: Fault Lines and Good Times! It's the product of almost three years of on again off again recording and the only way it could make us happier is if it crawled out of it's shrink wrap and made us pancakes. It still may. We're just waiting.
Physical production has begun, and the first chance to buy the actual CD will be at our Beale Street Bar show on August 20th. Oh lordy fun times! You'll also be able to buy the CD on our Merch page, and/or download em pee threes from iTunes, Amazon and most any other place you can think of.
Thanks to all who helped out in making a great album, and we hope you'll all enjoy it! Read the Write Up
Funny story about The Riptide
posted July 17th, 2009We went there a week or two ago to hang some fliers up on their bulletin board and in the bathrooms. The bartender was really nice and helped us put them up, but when we got to the bathrooms he said, "You may want to come back a few days before the show and replace the ones in here because people like to rip them up and draw dicks on them. It really bothers me that people do that."
We said, "Did you look at the flier? We're kind of asking for it."
Mustachiod Porkchops!
posted June 19th, 2009We had a really fun show on Tuesday the 16th, playing in West Oakland at an awesome design shop called "Because We Can". Burgers, beers, wood cutting robots, and mustaches on a stick...what could be better?

Pictures by Jillian
Fruitful Porkchops!
posted May 7th, 2009Post production on the new album is almost complete and we're really excited about how it turned out! But not as excited as we are about Kevin's new arrival! That's right, Porkchop Express has a newest, cutest member in young Wyatt Kalahiki born May 1st. Mother, baby, and father are all doing really well and will accept any large cash gifts or offers to baby sit you may be willing to give.
We've been out of commission with CD and baby stuff but we just set up a new show at the Riptide in will surely be a triumphant return to form. Also we're exploring the option of doing small acoustic sets here and there...we'll let you know how that pans out.
MP3s for Sale Online
posted March 26th, 2009As we're working on the final stages of our next album we decided to dip our toe into that rushing, silvery river of online music sales. We made our 6 song album, All You Can Handle EP, available for download on Amazon, Amie Street, Napster, Rhapsody, eMusic, Shockhound, LaLa, and, soon, iTunes. This is just to get us ready to have the new album for sale online, so we know what to expect. But don't you worry your pretty little heads, we're old fashioned at heart so the new album will still be available in a tangible, tactile pleasing form (the new CD will be made of finest crushed velvet and lotion).
We've sold all of our old CDs with no plans to re-release, but you can still listen to most of our music on our music page, but if you are into the whole ownership thing please feel free to download the songs from any of the fine vendors mentioned above.
OK! Back to work with us!
Friday the 13th at Hotel Utah
posted March 10th, 2009With the show happening on Friday the 13th, and it also being so close to St. Patrick's day, we're all in a tizzy about the theme of this upcoming show. But because we're dedicating the show to our bassist Kevin and his impending fatherhood there was really no question. There's no one more knowledgeable on the ins-and-outs of horror movies, werewolves, monsters, zombies, vampires, critters, killer clowns, cannibal mutants, aliens, and any of the various creepy-crawlies that have either creeped or crawled across the silver screen at one time or another. So with that in mind our flier for this show is most appropriate:

Click to View
We hope to see you all out at Hotel Utah! Our buddies from The Devil's Own are going to play in a super special acoustic duo configuration, and we hope the boys from Whiskey Tango will be our pen pals and BFFs after this show is over.
Couple things
posted January 29th, 2009Congrats to the Puff 'n Sip happy hour crew for raising so much money for the Tenderloin Neighborhood Outreach charity. We had a great time hanging out with such fine folks

We've also been spending some time in the studio to finish up our album and have a few candid shots from that.

PCE at the Cigar Bar tomorrow
posted January 20th, 2009Happy new year! Come out to the Cigar Bar and Grill to celebrate our favorite Russian's birthday and the 4th anniversary of the Puff 'n Sip happy hour. There will be charity games, fine drinks and great music.
Calendar Update
posted December 29th, 2008For those of you who keep abreast of such things, our show on Jan 23rd has been canceled. We apologize if this has ruined your entire month. All will be well, however. Don't worry.
Porkchop Holiday Show
posted December 15th, 2008Hey folks, we have a great holiday show happening on December 20th at the Hotel Utah. Lots of great bands and plenty of ways to erase those memories of not getting what you wanted for Christmas when you were little.

Porkchops About Town
posted December 9th, 2008A few of your fav Porkchops sited around San Francisco:
Kevin recording in Gio's basement.
Kitt revealing himself to be a Japanese Motorcycle Hero
Collin getting some dance tips from the giant hamster in the Latin American Club.
Upcoming Show at The Hotel Utah Saloon
posted November 18th, 2008We're gearing up for two things. First is to demolish some friggin' turkey next week. Second is our gig at The Hotel Utah on Saturday, December 6th. It's Eric's birthday so everyone will be extra festive.

Check out the flier
Radio Appearance
posted October 29th, 2008Make sure to tune in to our radio interview coming up on November 8th. Mike from the band Bridge Crawl will be hosting his weekly show on Pirate Cat Radio and we'll have the unique pleasure and opportunity to try and not fumble and stutter too much on the air. Also we'll give a preview of some of our new songs we've been recording. A real can't miss!
Listen live to Pirate Cat:
Feel my Squeal
posted September 20th, 2008Never let it be said that PCE isn't at least a year or so behind the latest social networking trend. We've set up a Twitter account and plan on using it sparingly to send any updates the night of shows (such as, "We're going to start 30 minutes late"), or if something hilariously droll happens ("Kitt just impaled his thigh with a drumstick...and not the chicken kind, thigh or drumstick") then we might share it.
We expect big things, so if you're into the whole Twitter thing, follow us.
Shine On
posted September 18th, 2008Birthdays just keep happening, we guess that's just their nature, but we celebrated our own lightning fingered John Brunn's birthday last night in fine style with entirely too much scotch at Nihon Whiskey lounge. Brunn was able to shake off the loss of one of his heroes and still have a great time. Sushi rolls and shots might seem strange bedfellows until you're neck deep in booze and finger foods and you realize life is just too, too sweet for words.
Come to H-Town
posted September 10th, 2008We're headed over the Hayward tonight for our show at The Bistro. It's a free show from 8pm to 11pm so we hope to see you all there!

"I'm just a sweet transvestite..."
posted September 2nd, 2008Kevin turned 35 today and Hammy had his birthday last week...good times around these parts indeed. On Sunday we celebrated with a huge dinner at Hukilau with spam and gravy on everything and then went to Annie's Social Club for punk-rock karaoke. If you've never gone for that we strongly, even strenuously suggest it. There's probably a bunch more pictures to scrounge up, but this one of Kev doing his favorite Rocky Horror Picture Show song is kind of scary and freaky in its own way.

The Aftermath
posted August 14th, 2008Good times last night at the Adaptive Path offices! As a highlight, Christopher Lambert came by and stole the life power of our lovely, candy filled friend here.

Engagement Parties and Pig Races...what a weekend
posted August 11th, 2008Congratulations to Stas and Coreen on their engagement! We had so much fun playing during their party even though it kept us away from the snack table longer that we liked. A good portion of Porkchop Express is married or has been married at one time so we know what these heady times are like for the happy couple. Never let anyone tell you that you can't be in a small time country rock band after marriage because it just ain't true!
Also, Mr. and Mrs. CoCo went down to the San Mateo county fair this weekend and snapped this little doozy of a picture at the pig races!
posted August 4th, 2008You may or may not recall that many moons ago we told you that Collin was given the distinct honor of recording backup vocals on a great version of a Desmond Dekker classic for Eric Friedmann and the Lucky Rubes. Well we just heard it this afternoon and it's as fun to listen to as it was to record. Listen to Intensified here.
There are a whole choir of Bay Area notables singing the "Rumbum balooey" parts so enjoy!
Also, Eric Friedmann or Alejandro Escovedo? You decide.
Good times at Cafe du Nord
posted July 25th, 2008The Cafe du Nord show was a total success! We had a great time with all the usual folks up to no good in the crowd. We also made a lot of new friends that night because if there's one thing that can be said about the fans of the Zac Brown Band it's that they sure ain't shy. Awesome to meet all of you!
Cotelette de porc expres
posted July 14th, 2008The computer generated English to French translation in the subject line is an homage to our show this coming Sunday at Café du Nord! This is one of our favorite venues in the city and we'll be opening for a nationally touring act, the Zac Brown Band.
See you there!
Porkchop in the Studio
posted May 5th, 2008Happy cinco do mayo. We were in the studio recording a few songs this last weekend and there are just a few pictures we wanted to share with you. Enjoy!
Secret Weapon
posted April 9th, 2008Aside from all the normal reasons to never, ever miss a Porkchop show you can add this to the list: Our show at Hotel Utah on April 16th will feature the incomparable Sarah Nelson on fiddle and vocals.
She's been to a few practices now and has shown herself more than equal to the task of fitting in with a bunch of unrulies such as ourselves. The band has made a pact of never, ever playing "Devil Went Down to Georgia" and we ask you, the audience, to show similar restraint when making crowd-type vocalizations and requests.
Come on out to the Utah and welcome Sarah to the fold!
PCE scoops SfGate!
posted April 4th, 2008Okay, so maybe we're a little too excited by this, but we only beat them to the punch on this story, oh, by about FIVE YEARS. I even like our title better, though theirs is more tailored for print I suppose (being all short and all).
Compare, if you will:
Breaking up is harder vs. Breaking up is hard to do (In this competitive housing market).
New look, same great taste!
posted March 14th, 2008Well here it is, the grand new look of If things are acting wonky for you, please refresh your browser a couple of times, clap on, clap off and then email us at if you still have problems or see garish spelling errors and the like. We want to be perfect for you, baby.
PS-Come to our show tonight.
Next show at the 23 Club
posted March 3rd, 2008
Big show coming up, check it out! We'll be headlining with support from the always excellent Devil's Own and Keep Sweet.
posted February 13th, 2008We posted some of the pictures from our last two shows. They're atmospheric and moody, which is code for "taken with a cell phone" but we send mad props to the kind folks to documented two momentous occasions such as those.
January 28th, 2008
Despite throwing mad amounts of adulation Puff 'n Sip's way, the show on Jan. 30th got canceled. We're hoping to do it the next Wednesday, Feb. 6th, so get ready for that!
January 23rd, 2008
Our next show will commemorate 3 years of the Puff 'n Sip happy hour started by good friend and PCE super-fan, Stas. Though our rigorous practice schedule and choreography lessons has made us miss more Puff 'n Sips than we'd like to admit, it's a true testament to the willpower of one individual who had the bright idea to try and get as many people as possible out to a bar on Wednesday nights. We salute all Puff 'n Sippers and our show next week at the Cigar Bar and Grill will pay what humble homage we can muster to a venerated institution. May the next 3 years be as fun as the first.
December 26th, 2007
We hope everyone had a merry Christmas and that you all plan on ringing in 2008 in true Porkchop style, with a lot of soft cheeses and hard liquors. A lot of heavy foods and light beers. A lot of black thoughts and white lighting. A lot of clean plates and dirty living. A lot of weak morals and strong drinks. A lot of...oh you get the point.
December 3rd, 2007
We have one last show this year and it's a good one. We're playing an awesome 5 band bill at The Hotel Utah on December 22nd. It's a CD release party for Eric Friedmann and The Lucky Rubes, a return to SF for those good ol' Highway Robbers, and a first trip up to SF for The Larry Bagby Band. Larry Bagby played Johnny Cash's bass player in the movie Walk the Line. Though if you're like Kevin you'll be more impressed with his stint on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
November 16th, 2007
We're still working hard in the studio but our show calendar is starting to fill up. We're invading North Beach at the end of this month, playing at Grant and Green November 29th. It's a free show so come on out!
October 9th, 2007
Howdy folks. We're taking the next two months off to record some new stuff, go on some much needed vacations and generally whittle our troubles away. We've got a great show lined up in late December so there's THAT to look forward to.
Later, gators.
September 10th, 2007
There seems to have been a mix-up with our Sept. 22nd show at the Hotel Utah. We've taken that show off our calendar for the time being. Sorry, folks!
August 20th, 2007
Thanks to all the folks who came to our two shows this last weekend. The Hotel Utah gig was a blast and the Rite Spot was just a slightly quieter blast.
We got a last minute request to stand in at the Boom Boom Room this Thursday Aug 23rd, so if any folks missed us this last weekend and are wondering just exactly what it was that was's a chance to figure it out.
August 8th, 2007
Our show on August 17th is guaranteed to be twice as much fun as the most fun game of operation you've ever played. We don't require steady hands or nerves of steel, or even a wildly skewed understanding of human physiology. We just require that you're there.
July 20th, 2007
We've got a show next Friday at the Make-Out Room, which is a new venue for us so we always get some of those nervous first date jitters. Like does the Make-Out room like me? Or does the Make-Out Room just want to be friends? Billy told me he kissed the Make-Out room last summer but he's a filthy liar and the Make-Out room is classy but it's also a good sign because maybe we can get to first base. Or married.
We've got a lot of love to give. Come see on July 27th.
June 25th, 2007
A bit of viral internet drivel PCE dreamed up for you folks in San Francisco: San Francisco Tourist Sites for People You Hate.
Also, we have shows now!
June 4th, 2007
There's been a lot of activity surrounding PCE but not really the kind that involves our friends and fans coming to see us play. Sorry about that. CoCo had his 30th birthday in May at Annie's Social Club (It was Kitt's birthday too, but that jerk was out of the country). Punk Rock 'n Schlock Karaoke was in full effect that night and we were sharing the back room with another birthday boy who's birthday suit included fishnets and garters. Towards the end of the night the two birthday boys took the stage and sang a stirring rendition of "Feel Like Makin' Love"...indeed they did.
As an added birthday present CoCo got invited to record some background vocals on Eric Friedmann's upcoming release. More news on that when the CD release date is known.
Also, Kevin, our illustrious bass player, got hitched over Memorial Day. There were heartfelt words and tears aplenty. Because the happy couple met at one of our early gigs, whatever else happens with this great Porkchop roller coaster we can rest assured that it was all worthwhile. Hey! Maybe that can be a new slogan: "Come to a Porkchop Show and get hitched!" It won't be to a band member, but there's a lot of lonely hearts searching in the crowd.
We hope everyone enjoys their summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!
April 26th, 2007
Come on over to Beale Street Bar tonight at 7pm and start off the night dancing to the hits of the 80's with Nostalgika, the toughest cover band of all time. Then sit back and thoughtfully stroke your chin to the thinking person's country band, Porkchop Express.
Beale Street Bar is one of the few places you can still get Jalapeno Poppers in this damn town. They also make some sort of ungodly shot out of Madori and Cool-Whip. It's green and good! Some bars pay good money to get this kind of ambiance...other just are what they are.
It's going to be a lot of the same people on stage for both bands, so come on out and enjoy the challenge of figuring out which band is playing 80's songs and which band is playing song after song about drinking.
See you tonight!!!!
March 13th, 2007
St. Patrick's Day is coming up! We'll be part of an all-day party at Hotel Utah playing the matinée slot with our buddies The Devil's Own. Come on by around 4pm and have some beers with us...a perfect way to show your appreciation for that snake beatin' shamrock lover.
March 7th, 2007
We're getting ready for our show tomorrow in the rockin' little hamlet of Brisbane, CA. It's a charity show so all door proceeds will presumably go to a good cause, less we mire down the works with shady "administrative" costs such as "handling fee" or "transaction fee" or even "Whiskey". Seriously,'s a good cause.
It also looks like opening act Jay Trainer will be recording his set to be part of a live album. This means that you, the audience member, can have every hoot and holler immortalized in that same album! And, perhaps, if you have a particularly tuneful hoot and/or holler, you could make it on to the liner notes where some LA big-shot down the road will see your name and hire you to do hoots and/or hollers on recordings for the finest of bands! Doubtful, I know, but so was a little thing called THE LASER.
February 7th, 2007
We're pretty excited about our Café Du Nord show coming up. It's one of those venues in San Francisco that we, as a young, upcoming band, have been looking forward to playing for a few years now. Already our minds dance with visions of a plush green room with a table full of fried foods and cocaine dipping sauces. You should come and see the show. It's either going to be really good or we'll implode on stage. We're fine with it either way.
January 8th, 2007
Happy New Year folks, and what a good one it shall be. We've already got two great shows lined up that are sure to blow the friggin' doors off their respective hinges. With each new year Porkchop Express renews our commitment to provide you, the listener, with quality country-rockage from us, the bozo's on stage. This is just us living up to our contract.
December 8th, 2006

The time has come! Come to Annies Social Club tonight for a free copy of our limited edition holiday CD, "Yule Logs and Sexy Hogs"!
You know you want one.
November 25th, 2006
Too...much...turkey. Can't breath...send help...or come to show on Dec. 8th...or...we'll....die.
November 21th, 2006
Turkey day approacheth and we're gearing up for our final hoo-ra at Annie's Social Club on Dec. 8th. We've been trying to make a habit of having a special show at the end of each year, and this is no exception. Our biggest dirty secret is that lead guitarist, John Brunn, is a huge fan of Christmas music and would like nothing more than have us dress up as elves and play holiday songs for Santa as he makes his way from roof to roof, dropping bottles of whiskey down the chimney for all the good little porkchops. And since there's no goddamn way we're going to do that, the show at Annie's will have to suffice.
October 23th, 2006
Thanks to all the fine folks who came out to Ireland's 32 and made the night such a hit. Never has there been such dancing and revelry in the crowd. It was a special "Parent's Night" with both CoCo and John's folks sitting in the audience, and we celebrated CoCo's dad's birthday by having him come up and sing a special version of Red Neck Mother with the band. Reactions to this song ranged from "Adorable" to "So smiley!" And it's true. It was both.
If pressed, CoCo's dad will modestly claim no responsibility for the on-stage antics of his son, but it really is all his fault, whether he knows it or not. And we thank him for it.
October 12th, 2006
Howdy folks, Halloween is just around the corner and we couldn't be more excited. The closest thing we're going to get to a Halloween show is next week at Ireland's 32, and while I highly doubt it's gonna be a dress up type show on par with Gwar, we'll have a couple season-appropriate songs along with our usual batch of goodness.
See you soon!
September 29th, 2006
Through sheer force of will and good looks, pictures of Porkchop Express have been chosen as a featured album on Photosite. They write:
Even if you haven't been lucky enough to rock the night away with San Francisco band Porkchop Express, these photos from the band's show at the Riptide earlier this year will make you feel as if you had. From the lap steel guitar to the ukulele, you've never seen country music like this!
These moody, atmospheric and well focused pictures were taken by none other than Eric Friedmann (yes that Eric Friedmann). So big thanks to Eric and many hearty slaps on the back to Photosite.
September 18th, 2006
Having neither the inclination to dilly nor dally we're jumping right back into it with our show this Saturday, the 23rd, at The Riptide. A few of our loyal, most favorite fans have bemoaned our shorter sets as of late, which is the sad reality of a 4 band bill. However, fear not! As this Saturday will be PCE and nothing but PCE from 9pm to Midnight. We'll split it up into a children's and (as Front Porch Ministry used to say) an adult set. Realistically we wouldn't suggest the former to children or the latter to anyone but amazingly they are both not to be missed. We'll see you out there!
September 6th, 2006
Our Hotel Utah gig this Friday will break down something like this:
- Kevin Meagher - 8:30
- Porkchop Express - 9:30
- The Highway Robbers - 10:30
- The White Thighs - 11:30
Come on out!
August 29, 2006
Our month long hiatus is almost over and we're ridiculously excited to start playing again. We've got some brand new songs that we're looking forward to playing for you and there's no better way to do start it all off than at Hotel Utah with The Highway Robbers.
Come on out and bat common decency about like a frisky little kitten with a mouse. Playful and cute at first, then the claws.
August 14, 2006
It's been a relaxing, gig-less August for Porkchop Express. We've been spending most of our time working on our all-over tans and waxing our chests to a smooth, healthy sheen. Kitt the drummer also learned to knit. He's currently knitting a bag to carry all of our chest waxing implements.
All this pampering is going to come to an abrupt end come September as we have three great gigs lined up...we can't really say which gig will be the best so you should do yourself a favor and come to all of them. We'll have a couple new songs and we promise it'll be worth your while.
See you soon!
July 14, 2006
UPDATE: We have been asked to play the famous Boom Boom Room next tuesday, July 18. Rainmaker at 9, PCE at 10:15. Rounding out the greatest week in Rock, we have another show July 20th at Beale Street Bar. Everyone is encouraged to take Friday off of work; you've earned it!
July 5th, 2006
Pictures are up from our Knockout gig. Our next show is July 20th at Beale Street Bar and Grill. Hope to see you all there!
June 19th, 2006
Our gig last Saturday in Oakland was an unfortunate reminder of why some stereotypes are hard to shake as the Taco Bell just down the block from the venue was robbed not 10 minutes before we tried to grab dinner there and one of our intrepid fans got his car broken into (luckily there was no damage and nothing was stolen...from the car, Taco Bell was not so lucky). Ahhh, Oakland.
Regardless, the show was totally rockin' and we had a great time.
This Friday we're pleased to be back in SF and playing at The Knockout with The Shut-Ins. This is shaping up to be a pretty awesome gig so please come on out and join the party.
June 14th, 2006
Our show this Saturday is being described by the booker as:
"The ultimate band mash-up. Take rude honky-tonk, modern trash rock, and a revamped jazz band that now does psychedelia circa 1972 and you have one of the oddest shows I've ever presented."
Sounds like a good time to us! See you at The Stork Club!.
June 8th, 2006
Lest we be accused of not grasping desperately to the gossamer straws of fame and self aggrandizement, we'd be remiss to not point you, gentle Porkchop lover, towards this short documentary featured on the Independent Film Channel website.
It follows three groups through this year's South x SouthWest festival and amidst the mass of b-roll and quick cuts (damn this MTV-esque cinematography!) you will see none other than Porkchop Express playing up on stage at the Velvet Spade in Austin, Texas.
The movie is a little long for just casual viewing, though it is worth watching in its own right. We are there briefly at the very beginning, and again around the 2/3's mark where Ben Brown is lamenting the large bar tab at the party his company co-hosted. Enjoy.
June 7th, 2006
I hope you all appreciate all the hard work Porkchop Express put in stopping the apocalypse yesterday. Screw that laboring in anonymity for the well-being of man-kind...we want props.
As far as studio news goes, we just finished tracking two new songs: "Not That Type of Girl" and "Vacation". Thus bringing us two songs closer to a full length album that will come out who knows when...but they both sounds great so take some small comfort in that.
This summer is crazy busy for the band in terms of members going out of town for business and personal reasons, but we're trying to squeeze shows in here and there when we can. Hope you can come out and see us!
May 4th, 2006
We've done some small updates to the site...mostly geeky stuff that you hopefully won't notice. Email us at if you notice anything wonky that a couple of clicks on the refresh button doesn't fix.
We're playing at Bender's this Saturday and I heard a nasty rumor that they serve beer there. You know what to do.
April 20th, 2006
Pictures are up from our Parkside show. Enjoy!
April 14th, 2006
We're playing an Easter Sunday show at Thee Parkside this weekend...hope to see you all there! Also, just in case you were confused and thought that the Easter Bunny is a cute and fuzzy creature that loves're wrong.
March 22nd, 2006
We're back from our week long tour down to Austin and through the great American Southwest. We've compiled most of our pictures so take a look!
We'll probably be adding just a couple more in the next few days as they all trickle in. If you were at any of the shows and have more pictures, please emails us at We'd appreciate it!
March 7th, 2006
We've updated the Music page and the Merchandise page to reflect some of the exciting things we've been putting together in preparation for our road trip and all the great shows we have planned in the coming months.
February 23rd, 2006
We had a great time playing at the Riptide last Saturday and the crowd turnout was beyond anything we could have imagined. It was cold, raining and far away but the promise of warming your hands near the hot coals of rock proved too strong to pass up. It was a well documented night so take a look at the pictures.
Now we have our sights set on our South x Southwest tour in March. We'll be truckin' down to Austin for our big gig on March 13th and making our way back to SF, stopping to rock a different city each night. If you find yourself near where we're playing, drop in and say hi. The trip will end with a huge St. Patrick's Day show at the Hotel Utah and we can't wait to see all of our home town friends there.
February 3rd, 2006
Thanks to everyone that came out to see us at T&G last week and a big thank you to Olga Salamanca and the great guys in her band...a nicer bunch we've never met. We had a great time confusing John Carpenter with John Waters and trying to think up a band name for them.
We have a show at the Riptide coming up in a few weeks (Feb. 18th to be exact) and we're excited because we've never played there, and the bar is run by Les James of Red Meat fame. It's a hike, but we hope everyone can come out.
January 26th, 2006
Well. It seems the Tongue & Groove, like Finnegan, was just waiting for some sappy outpourings of sentimentality before deciding to rise, alive, from the coffin...they're going to retain ownership and have bands Tuesday through Saturday. Rejoice!
As much as we feel a little red-faced about our blubbering below, the 2 for 1 happy hour will make up for it all.
January 25th, 2006
This Friday we have a show at the Tongue & Groove that starts around 9:30pm. We don't have all the details, but this may well be the last time we ever play at the T&G as ownership is changing hands and it's all quite muddy as to whether it'll stay a music venue or change format completely. The loss of any music venue is a cause for sadness so let's keep our collective fingers crossed.
Though the T&G has never been considered one of the "cool" music venues in the city it'll always have a soft spot in our hearts because it's where we've typically had our biggest crowds and where the bookers always trusted us to put on a great show and actively sought us out to play there. It's a rough business, running a bar/music venue, and it's understandable why it's hard to risk a weekend night on a band that has never played there before, so for giving us that we'll always be grateful to Aimee, Scott, Rabbit, JC and all the other great folks at T&G we've met the last couple of years.
It's also the first bar where we threw pancakes from the stage...and they still want us back. Incredible.
January 12th, 2006
"Walk the line" is a phrase that's on everyone's lips these days thanks to Mr. Brother-of-that-kid-in-Stand-By-Me and Mrs. Legally Blonde. When Johnny Cash sang "Walk the Line," it was about maintaining fidelity and guarding against his wandering eye. He didn't know that decades later, walking the line is just what bands would have to do to mix the intensity of rock 'n roll with the lyrical and melodic honesty of American Country music. Call it alt-country call it what you will. Stray too far one way and your a poser; a city boy in a big hat who likes to play cowboy. Stray too far another and you're a Nashville patsy; a look-alike, sound-alike hill-billy.
But if you hit that line, and stay on that line, something magical happens. All of a sudden the hipster looks at the redneck and they hug. Then the hippie joins in and they link arms with the frat boy and goth girl. The death metal guy brushes his long hair out of his eyes and starts to dance...without shoving or hitting anyone! They all cheer for the booze-fueled fast songs because they all like to drink. They all nod thoughtfully at the booze-fueled love ballads because they've all made some poor decisions because of drinking. And they all laugh at the song about cock-blockers because, damn, we hate those guys!
Does Porkchop Express walk the line? Some of the time, yes. And even when we don't...we still kick ass.
January 3rd, 2006
Happy New year to everyone that's still alive. 2006 promises to be just like 2005 only with the slight difference of more lasers and fewer tractor accidents. We have a show later this month at the Tongue & Groove that you should all attend, and to get in the spirit you should check out the new recordings we have posted here.
December 19th, 2005
Thanks to everyone who came to see us play with The Devil's Own at Beale Street last week. We had a great time and couldn't have asked for a better show to send off 2005.
Also, thanks to you all for voting in the contest. We came in 4th place so just missed the cut for playing the gig. Regardless, it was a touching show of support to get so many votes and rest assured that if any of you ever run for public office you are guaranteed at least 6 votes for your campaign.
Happy holidays and we'll see you in 2006!
December 15th, 2005

The final mix of four new PCE recordings are done! Big thanks to our producer/engineer Giovanni and to everyone who helped and gave feedback. Check 'em out.
Also, our Beale Street Bar holiday show is tonight at 7:30PM. We're playing with the unfuckwithable (Rolling Stone's word, not mine) The Devil's Own. It's gonna be a ridiculous amount of holiday cheer so come on out!
December 12th, 2005
Vote for Porkchop Express!!! We've entered a contest with our friends over at and we need your votes to play an awesome show at the Bottom of the Hill in January.
Please vote here:
December 5th, 2005

Our first whirl at sponsorship. Usually it works the other way around, but we're willing to try anything once...and a "Bad Santa" pub crawl is something we can get behind.
This drunk Santa brought to you by:
Porkchop Express
December 15th at Beale Street Bar and Grill.
December 2nd, 2005
Finally, we got a holiday show! We're gonna dust off our holiday originals and present them for your enjoyment (it's been a year so I bet you don't even remember what they sound like) at Beale Street Bar, December 15th. It's a free show and if you wear a Santa Hat you'll get to make out with the harmonica player of your choice.
We'll share the bill with the excellent The Devil's Own, we'll play at 7:30 and they'll go on at 8:30 or 9. See you there!
December 1st, 2005
We just posted an advance copy of "Ballad of Kelly Smalls" on our Live2Nite page. We'll have more songs for you to listen to soon when the final mix is done, but go take a listen and please let us know what you think.
Also we just scheduled a show on St. Patrick's Day at the Hotel Utah. Nothing like planning for the future.
November 11th, 2005
Oh baby, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Needless to say this is one of our favorite times of year. Aside from the obvious food angle, Thanksgiving is one of those rare holidays that the entire country can get behind because doing so doesn't represent any present or past oppression of other peoples. Sure the pilgrims screwed the Native Americans big time, but that was after dinner. Small pox was later...oh crap. Never mind.
Damn, that turkey's some good stuff though ain't it? We suggest Alton Brown's recipe...that boy knows what's going on. We made it last year and it made a turkey believer out of Brunn, who'd been fed so many dry-ass turkeys in the last couple of years that he'd given it up for the moister, more forgiving Maker's Manhattan. Why not have both?
Anyway, have a happy Thanksgiving. We're using our free time wisely, mixing down some new recordings and working on several new songs so when we finally get off our butts and book another show you guys will be in for a serious treat. Take care.
October 18th, 2005
Last week's show at the Hotel Utah was awesome! Thanks so much to the zillion of you guys who showed up, and especially to the birthday girl Megan and to our new favorite bands The Devil's Own and Mojo Apostles. We're going keep our heads down for the next couple of weeks and polish up some new songs and get ready for the upcoming holidays. "Keeping our heads down" doesn't sound very cool, so you may want to substitute it with "Our drummer's in rehab" or "The guitarist's old lady is trying to split up the band" or "The singer's pet possum died and he's seeking spiritual guidance from a rare hamster-monkey." Whatever sounds more rock and roll to you.
October 3rd, 2005
Everyone needs to do themselves a favor and come to our show on October 14th at the Hotel Utah. Seriously, you'll never forgive yourself for missing it. It'd be worse than when you asked the super-hot football player to the prom and then got splattered with pig blood and then killed'd regret it way more than that.
We're playing with Mojo Apostles and The Devil's Own who are two of San Francisco's more exciting and rowdy bands. It's Piss Pissedofferson's (The Devil's Own's singer) birthday that night so he'll probably drinking more than usual (which is hard to believe) and it's also our own friend Megan's birthday that night so everyone in the crowd will be drinking more than usual as well. And if that wasn't enough reason to get out to see the show, this may be PCE's last show of the year as we try and hunker down to do some writing and finish some recording.
September 19th, 2005
It's National Talk Like a Pirate Day today. If you already knew that you probably have a better idea on how to celebrate it than us. Pirate jokes have taken on a somewhat somber feeling to us ever since Andy, the hot, tattooed bartender chick at Doc's Clock left town a couple of years ago. Her favorite joke? What are a pirate's favorite kind of socks? "ARRRRRG-yle!!!"
Also, you'll notice that a new "Supplemental PCE Material" section has been added on the left side of this page. This is basically us trying to increase our "web foot print" as we say in the biz. Feel free to jump on the bandwagon with us...we're looking forward to increasing our visibility within the preteen market.
Thanks to everyone who came out to Beale Street last week and for not panicking when we brought out our new fog machine for its maiden voyage.
September 1st, 2005
Big thanks to everyone who trekked out to the ocean to see us at the Beach Chalet. Special big thanks go to Octomutt who, I feel, are a perfect ying to our yang. We are loud and vulgar, while they are very talented musicians and nice people. A perfect match. Our apologies go out to the waitress who's section we commandeered to set up our stage...though our high voltage yang should be payment enough for anyone, I hope the whiskey sales made up for the loss of garlic fry orders.
We've got a couple of really exciting shows coming up so get ready!
August 19th, 2005
There's a small change for our August 27th show: We're going to play upstairs in the Beach Chalet, not in back at the Park Chalet. Apparently there's a wedding party going on in back and the bride doesn't like pancakes. Oh well...I'm pretty sure there's a bar upstairs so all shall be well.
See you there!
July 28th, 2005
We just posted an exclusive interview with Porkchop Express. Give it a read and you'll feel like you know us. Read it fast three times while looking in a mirror and we'll appear behind you with a chainsaw.
July 25th, 2005
I hope everyone's been having a great summer and you're going out to see lots of music. You may be surprised to hear this but PCE is not the only superstar band in San Francisco. Some of our favorites are Four Year Bender, The Mother Truckers (they have a good lookin' uke player just like Porkchop does!), Octomutt, Virgil Shaw and The Devil's Own.
Those bands have more of the countrified sound that's so popular with all the kids (well, this kid anyway), but there are others we love that do not: The Phenomenauts (This Oakland based band may put on the best live show in the Bay Area), Two Gallants, The Monolith, The Okmoniks (who are from Tuscon, but are up here a couple of times a year)...and the list goes on and on. With these bands alone you can probably see a great show every week...who could ask for more?
We have a show this Friday at the Tongue & Groove. Hope to see you all there!
June 28th, 2005
Park Chalet pictures are up. We had a HUGE turnout and the Chalet folks loved us (well, really they loved how thirsty you guys were) and we'll be playing there again in a few months.
The big news for us is that we're going to hit the studio in two weeks to try and get some of our newer songs recorded and also try to clean up some of the better cuts from the Clock Radio Sessions. Our hopes are high and we think some solid tracks will come out of it.
Talk to you soon.
June 20th, 2005
Pictures from last week's Red Devil gig are here. Thanks to everyone who came out. Next we're playing Saturday, June 25th, 8:00 PM at the Park Chalet with Octomutt. Should be an interesting show as we're playing our first set acoustic, something we haven't done live before, but it should give you a hint at what our reunion tour, 20 years down the line, will sound like.
June 15th, 2005
Gig Alert!!! We just got invited to play a last minute show this Thursday, June 16th at the Red Devil Lounge. We're playing from 9:30 to 10:10 PM and we have formulated a highly potent, condensed rock set that is quite volatile and potentially explosive so I suggest you all just stay away. No really, it'll be a site to behold, but we can't be held responsible for blowing your minds with our high voltage rock.
May 27th, 2005
We've received some troubling news that some of our glorious CD's are defective...which is always a danger when you hijack office equipment to serve in the name of rock. If your CD isn't working, please email us at and we'll send/give you a new one pronto. Customer satisfaction is second only to our own. Thank you.
May 10th, 2005
Big ups to everyone who came out on cinco de Mayo for such a great benefit show...and to everyone that got hit in the head with pancakes, just be thankful there was no syrup to be had.
We have some great shows coming up this summer, and are trying to book more. Keep checking back for show updates, or sign up on our mailing list to stay current on the happenings of PCE.
April 25th, 2005
Well the bad news is that our Mother's Day show at Doc's is now officially cancelled. The sale of the place went through a little quicker than anyone expected so we're out. The last day our good friends Susan and Elizabeth will be working there is Saturday, April 30th so I'm sure most of the band will be there that night if anyone wants to come and hang out.
The good news is that we still have our Cinco de Mayo concert at the Tongue & Groove. It's a benefit concert to fight against cancer, and we know nobody likes cancer so please come out and support a great cause.
April 6th, 2005
Hey folks we just set up a last minute show at the Hotel Utah, this Saturday, April 9th at 9:00PM. It's gonna be a special budget Saturday with a reduced cover charge and an increased amount of rock. See you there!
March 31st, 2005
Well we've just received definitive word that Doc's Clock will be under new management in the next 60 to 90 days. This saddens us as we've grown to love that kooky place and all the filthy drunks that congregate there. Good luck to sweet Elizabeth in all her future ventures, and to everyone else, try and stop in and say goodbye before she leaves.
March 3rd, 2005
Our show at the Hotel Utah was an overwhelming success, for both music lovers and tuna melts everywhere. Having the homeless guy outside dancing around to our songs was one of the more validating musical critiques we've ever gotten.
Thanks to D'Jelly Brains, Robby Hecht, and especially Octomutt for spending such a fun evening with us. Our next scheduled show is our 3rd annual Mother's Day show at Doc's Clock on May 8th. So call your mama and then come out and drink to her honor or lack thereof.
Feb. 23rd, 2005
Thanks to everyone who came out to Beale Street and made the night such a success. We just put up some pictures from that night. Now, come on out to the Hotel Utah and witness our tribute to Provo and the great Salt Lake. As the great Johnny Utah once said, "Whoa."