Bands We've Played With

We've played with a lot of great bands over the years, and we're sure we've totally forgot to list some here, but you should check each and every one out and give them a hug.


What Do Those Boys in PCE Like to Drink?

Whether it's during practice or at a show, we enjoy only the finest of beverages. We invite you to raise a glass to both great music and quality refreshment. If you, or someone you know, is a fine beverage let us know and we'll give you a whirl.

San Francisco Music Venues

This list is by no means comprehensive...but it's a good look at a lot of amazing local venues. Some we've played, some we dream about.


Ukulele Links

There are an amazing (have you ever noticed how bands love the word "amazing"? I guess we think you're easily impressed.) amount of on-line resources for uke players. The community based around this tiny instrument can probably be explained through a "safety in numbers" theory because big bad guitar players like to pick on the little uke players.

Gold Bond Medicated Powder

For the rash.